Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Version of document from 2023-09-01 to 2024-09-16:

General Export Permit No. 41 — Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations



Registration 2015-07-22

General Export Permit No. 41 — Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, pursuant to subsections 7(1.1)Footnote a and 10(1)Footnote b of the Export and Import Permits ActFootnote c, issues the annexed General Export Permit No. 41 — Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations.

Ottawa, July 15, 2015

Minister of Foreign Affairs


Marginal note:Definitions

  •  (1) The following definitions apply in this Permit.

    eligible destination

    eligible destination means Australia, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Republic of Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom or the United States. (destination admissible)

    Export Controls Division

    Export Controls Division means the Export Controls Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development. (Direction des contrôles à l’exportation)


    Guide has the same meaning as in section 1 of the Export Control List. (Guide)

  • Marginal note:Interpretation

    (2) In this Permit, composite, development, matrix, production, software and user-accessible programmability have the same meaning as in the Guide under the heading “Definitions of Terms Used in Groups 1 and 2”.


Marginal note:Authorization

 Subject to sections 3 to 5, any resident of Canada may, under this Permit, export or transfer from Canada any good or technology referred to in

  • (a) any item in Group 1 of the Guide; or

  • (b) items 5504.2.a. to 5504.2.g. of the Guide.

Marginal note:Unauthorized destinations

  •  (1) This Permit does not authorize the export or transfer of goods or technology to a country

  • Marginal note:Unauthorized goods or technology

    (2) This Permit does not authorize the export or transfer of goods or technology that

    • (a) are intended to be used in a country that is not an eligible destination;

    • (b) are referred to in the schedule to this Permit;

    • (c) are referred to in any item of the Guide other than those referred to in section 2, unless the export or transfer is also authorized by another permit issued under subsection 7(1.1) of the Export and Import Permits Act;

    • (d) are referred to in any of subparagraphs 3(3)(c)(i) to (iii) of the Export Permits Regulations; or

    • (e) are intended for the development, production or use of rocket systems or unmanned aerial vehicles with a range of 300 km or greater.

  • Marginal note:Other unauthorized goods or technology

    (3) This Permit does not authorize the export or transfer of

    • (a) software that is specially designed or modified for the development or use of the goods or technology referred to in item 5504.2.h. or 5504.2.i. of the Guide; or

    • (b) technology that is specially designed or modified for the development or production of the goods or technology referred to in item 5504.2.h. or 5504.2.i. of the Guide.

Marginal note:Information

 A resident of Canada who exports or transfers goods or technology under this Permit must

  • (a) provide in writing to the Export Controls Division, before making their first export or transfer under this Permit in a calendar year, the following information:

    • (i) their name, address, telephone number, facsimile number and email address, and

    • (ii) if the resident of Canada is a corporation, the business number assigned to the corporation by the Minister of National Revenue, the name of a contact person and their address, telephone number, facsimile number and email address;

  • (b) provide to the Export Controls Division, within 30 days after each six-month period ending on January 31 or July 31, a report containing the following information in respect of any export or transfer made under this Permit during that period:

    • (i) the name, address, telephone number, facsimile number and email address of each consignee,

    • (ii) if the consignee is a corporation, the name and title of a contact person who has knowledge of the export or transfer and their telephone number, facsimile number and email address,

    • (iii) a description of each good or technology exported or transferred and the item number of the Guide in which it is referred to, and

    • (iv) the quantity and value of each good or technology exported or transferred by country of destination;

  • (c) within 15 days after receipt of a request from the Export Controls Division, provide to the Export Controls Division the records referred to in section 5 in respect of any export or transfer made during the period specified in the request;

  • (d) insert the term “GEP-41” or “LGE-41” in the appropriate field of the form prescribed under the Customs Act if the good exported is required to be reported under that Act; and

  • (e) obtain, before the export or transfer, a written statement from each consignee that

    • (i) identifies the country of end use of the good or technology, and

    • (ii) indicates whether the consignee is an end-user or a distributor or, if the consignee is neither, describes the consignee’s role in relation to the export or transfer.

Marginal note:Records

 A resident of Canada who exports or transfers a good or technology under this Permit must retain, for a period of six years after the year in which the export or transfer is made, the following records in respect of that export or transfer:

  • (a) the date of the export or transfer;

  • (b) the name and address of each consignee;

  • (c) the quantity and value of the export or transfer;

  • (d) the name and any part number or unique identifier of the good or technology, as well as a description of the good or technology and its technical specifications;

  • (e) the item number of the Guide in which the good or technology is referred to, and a comparison of the technical specifications set out in the item with the technical specifications of the good or technology;

  • (f) the written statement obtained from each consignee under paragraph 4(e); and

  • (g) a copy, if available, of any contract between the resident of Canada and each consignee and any invoice or export or shipping document relating to the export or transfer.




Coming into Force

Marginal note:Registration

 This Permit comes into force on the day on which it is registered.

SCHEDULE(Paragraph 3(2)(b))

ItemGoods or technology
1those referred to in item 1-1.A.2.a. of the Guide that are composite structures or laminates consisting of an organic matrix and materials specified by item 1-1.C.10.c. or 1-1.C.10.d. of the Guide
2those referred to in item 1-1.C.1. of the Guide
3those referred to in item 1-1.C.12. of the Guide
4those referred to in item 1-1.E.1. of the Guide that are for the development or production of composite structures or laminates consisting of an organic matrix and materials specified by items 1-1.C.10.c. or 1-1.C.10.d. of the Guide or materials specified by item 1-1.C.1. or 1-1.C.12. of the Guide
5those referred to in item 1-4.A.5. of the Guide
6those referred to in item 1-4.D.4. of the Guide
6.1those referred to in item 1-4.E.1.a of the Guide that are for the development, production or use of equipment or software specified by item 1-4.A.5. or item 1-4.D.4. of the Guide
7those referred to in item 1-4.E.1.c of the Guide
8those referred to in item 1-5.A.1.b.5. of the Guide
9those referred to in item 1-5.A.1.h. of the Guide
10those referred to in item 1-5.A.1.j of the Guide
11those referred to in item 1-5.D.1.a. of the Guide that are software specially designed for the development or production of equipment, functions or features specified by item 1-5.A.1.b.5., 1-5.A.1.h., 1-5.A.1.j. or 1-5.E.1.a. of the Guide
12those referred to in item 1-5.E.1.a. of the Guide that are for the development or production of equipment, functions, features or software specified by item 1-5.A.1.b.5., 1-5.A.1.h., 1-5.A.1.j. or 1-5.D.1.a. of the Guide
13those referred to in item 1-5.A.2. of the Guide
13.1those referred to in item 1-5.A.3. of the Guide
13.2those referred to in item 1-5.A.4. of the Guide
14those referred to in item 1-5.B.2. of the Guide
15those referred to in item 1-5.D.2. of the Guide
16those referred to in item 1-5.E.2. of the Guide
17those referred to in item 1-6.A.1.a.1.b.1. of the Guide that are object detection or location systems and have a sound pressure level exceeding 210 dB (reference 1 μPa at 1 m) and an operating frequency in the band from 30 Hz to 2 kHz;
18those referred to in item 1-6.A.1.a.2.a.1. of the Guide
19those referred to in item 1-6.A.1.a.2.a.2. of the Guide
20those referred to in item 1-6.A.1.a.2.a.3. of the Guide
21those referred to in item 1-6.A.1.a.2.a.5. of the Guide
22those referred to in item 1-6.A.1.a.2.a.6. of the Guide
23those referred to in item 1-6.A.1.a.2.b. of the Guide
24those referred to in item 1-6.A.1.a.2.c. of the Guide that are processing equipment that are specially designed for real time application with towed acoustic hydrophone arrays and have user-accessible programmability and time or frequency domain processing and correlation, including spectral analysis, digital filtering and beamforming that uses Fast Fourier or other transforms or processes
25those referred to in item 1-6.A.1.a.2.e. of the Guide
26those referred to in item 1-6.A.1.a.2.f. of the Guide that are processing equipment, specially designed for real time application with bottom or bay cable systems, having user accessible programmability and time or frequency domain processing and correlation, including spectral analysis, digital filtering and beamforming using Fast Fourier or other transforms or processes
27those referred to in item 1-6.A.2.a.1.c. of the Guide
28those referred to in item 1-6.B.8. of the Guide
29those referred to in item 1-6.D.1. of the Guide that are software specially designed for the development or production of equipment specified by item 1-6.B.8. of the Guide
30those referred to in item 1-6.D.3.a. of the Guide
31those referred to in item 1-6.E.1. of the Guide that are for the development of equipment or software specified by any item in this schedule that is also specified by item 1-6.A., 1-6.B. or 1-6.D. of the Guide
32those referred to in item 1-6.E.2. of the Guide that are for the production of equipment specified by any item in this schedule that is also specified by item 1-6.A. or 1-6.B. of the Guide
33those referred to in item 1-7.D.3.a. of the Guide
34those referred to in item 1-7.D.3.b. of the Guide
35those referred to in item 1-8.A.1.b. of the Guide
36those referred to in item 1-8.A.1.d. of the Guide
37those referred to in item 1-8.A.2.o.3.b. of the Guide
38those referred to in item 1-8.D.1. of the Guide that are software specially designed for the development or production of equipment specified by item 1-8.A.1.b., 1-8.A.1.d., or 1-8.A.2.o.3.b. of the Guide
39those referred to in item 1-8.E.1. of the Guide that are for the development or production of equipment specified by item 1-8.A.1.b., 1-8.A.1.d. or 1-8.A.2.o.3.b. of the Guide
40those referred to in item 1-9.A.11. of the Guide
41those referred to in item 1-9.D.1. of the Guide that are software specially designed or modified for the development of equipment or technology specified by item 1-9.A.11., 1-9.E.3.a.1. or 1-9.E.3.a.3.a. of the Guide
42those referred to in item 1-9.D.2. of the Guide that are software specially designed or modified for the production of equipment specified by item 1-9.A.11. of the Guide
43those referred to in item 1-9.E.1. of the Guide that are for the development of equipment or software specified by any item in this schedule that is also specified in item 1-9.A.11., 1-9.D.1. or 1-9.D.2. of the Guide
44those referred to in item 1-9.E.2. of the Guide that are for the production of equipment specified by item 1-9.A.11. of the Guide
45those referred to in item 1-9.E.3.a.1. of the Guide
46those referred to in item 1-9.E.3.a.3.a. of the Guide

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