Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Transportation Safety Board Regulations

Version of the schedule from 2014-02-28 to 2018-11-22:

SCHEDULE(Subsection 13(1), section 14 and subsection 20(3))

Transportation Safety Board
of Canada


Bureau de la sécurité des transports
du Canada



Province or Territory

Warrant to Search and SeizeIssued under subsection 19(3) of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act

TO:name of investigator, an investigator of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board:

WHEREAS it appears on oath of blank line that he/she believes on reasonable grounds that there is or may be any thing or things, namely blank line, that are relevant to the conduct of a lawful investigation into a transportation occurrence, namely

blank line

blank line,

and that are located in blank line, in this form called the premises;

THIS IS, THEREFORE, to authorize you, between the hours of blank line and blank line, to enter the said premises and to search for the said thing or things, to seize them until they are returned in accordance with section 20 of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act;

And furthermore, to authorize you to use force to the extent necessary to execute this warrant, provided that you are accompanied by a peace officer.

Signed at location on date

blank line
name and signature
Justice of the Peace in and for
blank line
Judicial District or Province
Canada Trademark

Transportation Safety Board
of Canada


Bureau de la sécurité des transports
du Canada

FORM 2Statutory SummonsIssued under subparagraph 19(9)(a)(i) of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act

IN THE MATTER OF: The Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board investigation into the following transportation occurrence:

blank line

name or description of the occurrence

TO:blank line

ADDRESS:blank line

blank line

WHEREAS I BELIEVE on reasonable grounds that you are in possession of information relevant to the investigation, YOU ARE REQUIRED to

  •  Attend before me in order to give a statement, under oath or solemn affirmation, if required, concerning that matter, at

    location description or address

    on date at time

  •  Produce the following information or records no later than time on date

    at location description or address

    blank line

    blank line

    blank line

FAILURE TO COMPLY with this summons may result in a contravention of subsection 19(10) of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act and an offence under paragraph 35(1)(a) of that Act and may also result in an application setting out the facts made to the Federal Court of Canada or a superior court of a province, under subsection 19(15.1) of that Act, to inquire into the failure to comply with this summons.

Signed at location on date


Investigator of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board

Canada Trademark

Transportation Safety Board
of Canada


Bureau de la sécurité des transports
du Canada

FORM 3Statutory SummonsIssued under paragraph 19(9)(b) of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act

IN THE MATTER OF: The Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board investigation into the following transportation occurrence:

blank line

name or description of the occurrence

TO:blank line

ADDRESS:blank line

blank line

WHEREAS you were directly or indirectly involved in the operation of

description of equipment and

WHEREAS I BELIEVE on reasonable grounds that a medical examination is or may be relevant to the investigation, you are required to submit to a medical examination:

at location description or address

before name of examiner

on date at time

FAILURE TO COMPLY with this summons may result in a contravention of subsection 19(11) of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act and an offence under paragraph 35(1)(a) of that Act and may also result in an application setting out the facts made to the Federal Court of Canada or a superior court of a province, under subsection 19(15.1) of that Act, to inquire into the failure to comply with this summons.

Signed at location on date


Investigator of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board

Canada Trademark

Transportation Safety Board
of Canada


Bureau de la sécurité des transports
du Canada

FORM 4Statutory SummonsIssued under paragraph 19(9)(c) of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act

IN THE MATTER OF: The Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board investigation into the following transportation occurrence:

blank line

name or description of the occurrence

TO:blank line

ADDRESS:blank line

blank line

WHEREAS I BELIEVE on reasonable grounds that you have information concerning a patient, namely blank line that is or may be relevant to the investigation,

YOU ARE REQUIRED to provide the following information:

blank line

blank line

blank line

FAILURE TO COMPLY with this summons may result in a contravention of subsection 19(10) of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act and an offence under paragraph 35(1)(a) of that Act and may also result in an application setting out the facts made to the Federal Court of Canada or a superior court of a province, under subsection 19(15.1) of that Act, to inquire into the failure to comply with this summons.

Signed at location on date


Investigator of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board

Canada Trademark

Transportation Safety Board
of Canada


Bureau de la sécurité des transports
du Canada

FORM 5Statutory SummonsIssued under paragraph 19(9)(d) of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act

IN THE MATTER OF: The Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board investigation into the following transportation occurrence:

blank line

name or description of the occurrence

TO:blank line

ADDRESS:blank line

blank line

WHEREAS you have custody of the body of a deceased person or human remains, namely blank line; and

WHEREAS I believe on reasonable grounds that the performance of an autopsy on the body of the deceased person or the carrying out of other medical examinations on those human remains is or may be relevant to the conduct of the investigation.

YOU ARE REQUIRED to permit the performance of the autopsy or medical examination:

by name of examiner

at location description or address

on date at time

FAILURE TO COMPLY with this summons may result in a contravention of subsection 19(10) of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act and an offence under paragraph 35(1)(a) of that Act and may also result in an application setting out the facts made to the Federal Court of Canada or a superior court of a province, under subsection 19(15.1) of that Act, to inquire into the failure to comply with this summons.

Signed at location on date


Investigator of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board

Canada Trademark

Transportation Safety Board
of Canada


Bureau de la sécurité des transports
du Canada

FORM 6SubpoenaIssued under subsection 20(3) of the Transportation Safety Board Regulations

IN THE MATTER OF: The Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board investigation into the following transportation occurrence:

blank line

name or description of the occurrence

TO:blank line

ADDRESS:blank line

blank line

YOU ARE REQUIRED to appear before the public inquiry to be held

at location description or address

on date at time

And to bring with you and produce the following documents or objects:

blank line

blank line

blank line

FAILURE TO COMPLY with the requirements of this subpoena may result in an offence under subsection 35(2) of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act and render you liable to penalties under that subsection.

Signed at location on date


Presiding Officer

Canada Trademark

Date modified:
