Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Chicken Marketing Levies Order

Version of the schedule from 2006-03-22 to 2024-11-11:

SCHEDULE(Subsection 5(2))

  • 1 The following coefficients apply to the calculation of the live weight equivalent of chicken marketed:

    ItemColumn 1Column 2
    Product CategoryFull Live Weight Coefficient (%)
    1Live birds100
    2Whole eviscerated birds without giblets150
    3Leg quarters125
    4Whole wings (3 joints)150
    5Bone-in breasts200
    6Boneless breasts400
    7Drums or thighs125
    8Boneless dark meat200
    9Split wings (2 joints)175
  • 2 If further processed products, other than mechanically separated meat and meat processed by advanced meat recovery systems, are derived from the products listed in section 1, the chicken meat component qualifies for the calculation of the live weight equivalent.

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