Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Territorial Coal Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1522)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-19

SCHEDULE(ss. 12, 23, 24, 26 and 35)Fees

Application for lease or renewalblank line $5.00

Annual rental per acre under leaseblank line 1.00

Registration of assignment of leaseblank line 3.00

Application for permitblank line 1.00

FORM 1Territorial Coal Regulations

Application for Lease

blank lineMining District

  • 1 I (Name of Applicant) of (Address)(Occupation or Position), do solemnly declare:

  • 2 That I did on the blank line day of blank line, 19blank line, duly stake out in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations, a coal mining location, described as follows:

    (State exact position of area, in relation to a prominent topographical feature or other known point) with dimensions blank line feet by blank line feet, containing blank line acres, more or less.

  • 3 Attached hereto is a sketch showing the said location.

  • 4 To the best of my information and belief, the location applied for is situated on land which is (Unoccupied, or state occupancy)

  • 5 To the best of my information and belief, the location applied for is not already included in an existing coal lease and is not being used by any person as a source of coal, except as follows: (If none, so state) and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath, and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act.

Declared before me at blank line in theblank line. Thisblank line day ofblank line, 19blank line

blank line

(Signature of Applicant)

blank line

(A Notary Public, or a person duly authorized to take statutory declarations.)

FORM 2Territorial Coal Regulations

Application for Permit

blank lineMining District

  • 1 I, (Name of Applicant) of (Address)(Occupation or Position), hereby apply for a Permit on my own behalf or on behalf of blank line to authorize extraction or removal of blank line tons of coal, from the following area (Set out as accurately as possible position of area in relation to prominent topographical feature or other known point) during the period from (Date of Application) to March 31, 19blank line

  • 2 Attached hereto is a sketch of said area.

  • 3 To the best of my information and belief the said area is (Unoccupied, or state occupancy)

Fee and Royalty (if applicable) calculated as follows:

Permit Fee blank line $1.00

Royalty blank line tons at $0.25 per ton blank line $blank line

Total blank line $blank line

are tendered herewith.

Dated at blank line this blank line day of blank line 19blank line


FORM 3Territorial Coal Regulations


blank lineMining District

Pursuant to application dated blank line 19blank line, made under the Territorial Coal Regulations,(Name of Permittee) is hereby authorized to extract or remove blank line tons of coal from (State location of area) for the applicant’s own use and not for sale to others.

Applicable fee and royalty (if any) are calculated as follows: —

Permit Fee blank line $1.00

Royalty on blank line tons at $0.25 per ton blank line $blank line

Total blank line $blank line

Receipt of the sum of $blank line is hereby acknowledged.

This permit is issued subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • 1 That this permit shall expire on the 31st day of March, 19blank line

  • 2 That within one month after the expiry of this permit the affidavit on the reverse hereof shall be completed and returned to the undersigned.

  • 3 That the coal mining operations of the permittee will be carried out in a safe and proper manner, having regard to the rights of other permittees, if any, and the general public.

  • 4 That this permit cannot be assigned.

  • 5 That the right to extract and remove coal may be suspended if it appears that the operations of the permittee cannot for any reason be carried on in a safe and proper manner.

Issued at blank line this blank line day of blank line 19 blank line

(Issuing Officer)

FORM 4Territorial Coal Regulations


I, blank line of blank line in the (Occupation or Position) make oath and say:

  • 1 That I am (The permittee or agent of the permittee as the case may be) named in the within permit and that the quantity of coal which has been extracted or removed from the permit area under this permit is blank line tons and no more.

Sworn before me at blank line in the blank line this blank line day ofblank line 19 blank line

blank line

(Signature of Permittee or Agent)

blank line

(Commissioner for Oaths)

FORM 5Territorial Coal Regulations

Application for Exploration Licence

blank lineMining District

in the (Territory)

I blank line of (Address)(Occupation of applicant) hereby apply for a licence on my behalf or on behalf of blank line to explore for coal on the following lands described as (indicate in ☐ by (x) which quarter(s) applied for)

NW Quarter ☐

SW Quarter ☐ of mineral claim staking sheet(s) Noblank line

SE Quarter ☐

NE Quarter ☐

Attached hereto is a sketch of the said area.

To the best of my information and belief the said area is (Unoccupied or state occupancy)

Fee and Deposit calculated as follows:

Licence Fee blank line $10.00

Deposit blank line acres $0.05 per acre being the requirements for the first year expenditure blank line

are tendered herewith.

Dated at blank line this blank line day of blank line 19blank line



Licence No.blank line

Territorial Coal Regulations

Exploration Licence

Pursuant to application dated blank line 19blank line made under section 35 of the Territorial Coal Regulations(Name of Licensee) is hereby authorized to explore for coal on the blank line Quarter(s) of the area of land shown on mineral claim staking sheet No. blank line containing approximately blank line acres of land, for a period of three years commencing on the blank line day of blank line 19blank line subject to the Territorial Coal Regulations.

Dated at blank line this blank line day of blank line 19blank line

Chief, Resource Management Division, Resource and Economic Development Group, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.


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