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Version of document from 2018-11-23 to 2025-01-22:

National Historic Sites of Canada Order

C.R.C., c. 1112


National Historic Sites of Canada Order

National Historic Sites of Canada

 The lands described in the schedule, title to which is vested in Her Majesty, constitute the National Historic Sites of Canada.

  • SOR/2004-218, s. 2

Application of Act

 Subsection 8(1), section 12, subsections 16(1) to (3), sections 17 to 23, subsections 24(2) and (3) and sections 25 to 32 of the Canada National Parks Act apply to the National Historic Sites of Canada.

  • SOR/2004-218, s. 2

 [Repealed, SOR/2004-218, s. 2]

SCHEDULE(Section 1)

British Columbia

Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In British Columbia; in the Cassiar District;

All those parcels of land more particularly described as follows:

FIRSTLY: All that parcel of land shown as “Lands required for Chilkoot Trail National Historic Park” on a Plan recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa under number 71805, a copy of which is filed in the Surveyor General Branch, Ministry of Crown Lands, British Columbia as Plan 3 Tube 1445;

SECONDLY: All that parcel of land shown as Block A of District Lots 243 and 7101 on a Plan filed in the Surveyor General Branch, Ministry of Crown Lands in British Columbia as Plan 15 Tube 1483, a copy of which is recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa under number 72817;

the parcels containing together 12 901.6 hectares more or less.

Fort Langley National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of British Columbia;

In New Westminster District;

All those parcels of land more particularly described as follows:


All that parcel of land shown as Lot 1, District Lot 19, Group 2 on a plan deposited in The Land Title Office at New Westminster as 68956, a copy of which is recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa as 69479;


All that parcel of land shown as Lot 2, District Lot 19 and District Lot 242, Group 2 on said Plan 68956.

Said lots containing together about 7.59 hectares.

Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

THAT the property involving Rod Hill (Belmont) Fort, Vancouver Island, B.C., was declared surplus, with the exception of two buildings, by the Department of National Defence on Surplus Declaration, C.A.D.C. Serial No. 252-132977, Defence Reference H.Q. 5150-B.80 (D.C.Prop.) and is now held by Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for disposal by transfer to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development;

THAT the site comprises 44.4 acres of land as outlined in red on the copy of the site plan attached to Order in Council P.C. 1962-27/153 together with all military installations, exclusive of buildings No. 1030 and No. 1061 and exclusive of all World War II frame buildings other than No. 1001. Thus installations 1030 and 1061 would be retained by the Department of National Defence (Army) and No. 1001 (circled in red) would be allocated to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development;

THAT the site will be administered, together with Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Site, as a unit.

Kitwanga Fort National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In British Columbia; in the Cassiar District; in District Lot 1320; that part of the SW1/4 of said Lot 1320 designated Lot 1 according to plan 8463 in the Land Registry Office at Prince Rupert, B.C., a copy of which has been recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa under number 62223;

less that part lying within the limits of the Road according to said plan; the remainder containing 19.75 acres (7.99 hectares).


Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

All those portions of land in Township Thirty-Nine (39), Range Seven (7), West of the Fifth (5th) Meridian in the Province of Alberta comprising: Parcel One (1) in Section 17 and S1/2 of Section 20; Parcel Two (2) in the SW1/4 of Section 21; Parcel Three (3) in the SE1/4 of Section 17.

All as shown on a plan of survey recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records in Ottawa under Plan Number 70640 C.L.S.R. (872 0488 L.T.O.); said parcels containing Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight decimal Five Two Seven (228.527) hectares, more or less.


Batoche National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In Saskatchewan;

in St. Laurent Settlement;

in Township 43, Range 1, west of the Third Meridian;

that parcel of land designated as Batoche National Historic Park on Plan 70812 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Land Titles Office at Prince Albert under number 87PAO8149;

said parcel containing about 305 hectares.

Fort Battleford National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Saskatchewan, in the Townsite of Battleford, parcels N, O and P as shown on Plan 68173 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is registered as number 82-B-07017 in the Battleford Land Titles Office, said parcels containing together 22.65 hectares more or less.

Fort Walsh National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

The lands situated in the Province of Saskatchewan composed of the north half of Section nine and the whole of Sections sixteen and twenty-one, in Township seven, Range twenty-nine, West of the Third Meridian.

Motherwell Homestead National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Saskatchewan, in NE 1/4 Section 14, Township 20, Range 11, W.2.M., the whole of parcel A, designated as Motherwell Homestead National Historic Park according to plan 67401 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Land Titles Office at Regina as Plan No. 81R05202; said parcel containing 3.59 hectares, more or less.


Prince of Wales Fort National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Province of Manitoba, at the northern end of the western peninsula formed by the junction of the Churchill River and Hudson Bay, comprising all that portion of the said peninsula lying to the north of the northerly limit of First Avenue, in the said town of Churchill, and containing an area of fifty (50) acres, more or less, as shown on a plan approved and confirmed by Edouard Deville, Surveyor General of Canada, dated the 5th day of November, 1909, and which said plan is of record in the Legal Surveys Division, Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, under Number 15353.

Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Province of Manitoba and composed of those portions of River Lot One (1), in the Parish of Saint Clements, and River Lot One Hundred and Thirty-one (131), in the Parish of Saint Andrews, lying to the east of Lord Selkirk Highway, as same are shown outlined in pink on the Plan of Survey, registered in the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as Number 5196.

Riel House National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Manitoba;

in the City of Winnipeg;

in the Parish of St. Vital;

in River Lot 51;

all that parcel of land designated as Riel House National Historic Park according to a plan recorded at the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa as No. 72472, a copy of which has been filed in the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as Plan 24502;

said parcel containing altogether 1.09 hectares (2.70 acres) more or less.

St. Andrew’s Rectory National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Manitoba; in the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews; in the Parish of St. Andrews; in River Lot 62;

All those parcels of land designated as parcels A, B and D according to a plan filed in the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as Plan No. 18050, a copy of which is recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa as No. 69182; said parcels containing together about 2.923 hectares.

The Forks National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Manitoba; in the City of Winnipeg; in the Parish of St. Johns; in River Lot One;

All that parcel of land designated as The Forks National Historic Park according to a plan recorded at the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa as No. 72025, a copy of which is filed in the Winnipeg Land Titles Office as Plan 23609 WLTO; said Parcel containing 3.10 hectares (7.66 acres) more or less.


Bellevue House National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the County of Frontenac; in the Township of Kingston (now the City of Kingston); in farm lot 22, concession l, lot H.S. 1 according to plan 53162 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Registry Office at Kingston as 1368; said lot containing 1.59 acres, more or less.

Fort George National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Ontario;

in the Regional Municipality of Niagara;

in the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake;

Lot 1 according to Plan 57662 recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Registry Office at St. Catharines as Canada Lands Plan No. 2;


Part 1 and Part 2 as shown on plan 30R-6751 deposited in said Registry Office at St. Catharines, a copy of which is recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa as Plan 73465;

the remainder containing about 11.28 hectares.

Fort Malden National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Ontario; in the County of Essex; in the Town of Amherstburg described as follows: All those parcels of land and water designated Fort Malden National Historic Park and shown bordered by a heavy black line on plan 60970 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Land Registry Office at Windsor as 4; said parcels containing 9.50 acres of land and 3.36 acres of water, more or less.

Fort St. Joseph National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In Ontario; in the District of Algoma; in the Township of Jocelyn; the whole of a parcel comprising Ordnance Reserve No. 1 and Naval Reserve “A” Concession A according to plan 59676 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Land Titles Office at Sault Ste. Marie as T168267; said parcel containing 374.34 hectares, more or less.

Fort Wellington National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land situate in the Town of Prescott in the County of Grenville and Province of Ontario, and comprising Lots 29 to 36 inclusive, as shown on a plan of the Ordnance property in the Town of Prescott as surveyed under instructions from the Crown Lands Department dated 11th May, 1859, and signed by B. W. Gossage, Provincial Land Surveyor.

Woodside National Historic Site of Canada comprising the area in the Province of Ontario, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the City of Kitchener, described as follows:

the whole of Lots 549-1 and 549-2 according to plan 58875 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Waterloo North (No. 58) at Kitchener as 945,

and containing together 11.16 acres, more or less.


Battle of the Châteauguay National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In Quebec; in the county of Châteauguay; in the parish of Saint-Malachie, the whole of lots C.P. 1 and C.P. 2 according to a plan deposited in the Land Registry Office at Beauharnois as 133578, a copy of which is recorded as 57678 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa; the said lots containing 0.26 acres and 2.80 acres respectively, more or less.

Battle of the Restigouche National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the province of Quebec; in the Municipality of Pointe-à-la-Croix;

those parts of lots 1-2-4 and 3-11, Restigouche Range, according to the revised Official Cadastre for the District of Mann, in the second registration division of Bonaventure;

as said parts are described in the Deed of Sale, registered in the said registration division under number 37331;

said parts being shown on a plan prepared by Jean-Paul Lavoie, arpenteur-géomètre, dated December 31, 1975 and numbered C-1616;

said plan being recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records, Office of the Surveyor General and Director at Ottawa, under number 60280;

said parts containing together 8.171 hectares more or less.

Cartier-Brébeuf National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Québec;

In the official Cadastre of the Parish of St. Roch Nord;

In the City of Québec;

all those parcels of lands including the bed of Lairet River according to plans 55841 and 58556 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, copies of which have been deposited in the Registry Office at Québec City under numbers 665234 and 772033 respectively;

said parcels including that part of Lot 435-386 which is described and shown in Deed registered in said Registry Office under number 1040764, a copy of which is recorded in said Records under number F.B. 33289;


those parts of Lots 146, 151 and 152 containing 0.085 acres;

that part of Lot 435-513 containing 0.025 acres;

those parts of Lots 435-519, 435-520, 435-521 and 435-522 containing 0.004 acres;

those parts of Lots 435-384 and 435-385 containing 0.025 acres;

said parts as shown on said plan 58556;

as said parts are also shown separately on plans prepared by Luc Pelletier, Q.L.S., dated June 12, 1973, under Minutes 7-132-02, 7-132-03, 7-132-04 and 7-132-05, copies of which have been recorded under number F.B. 33253 in said Records; the remainder containing about 17.33 acres (7.01 hectares).

This description is subject to two (2) sewage pipe maintenance easements, each being 20 feet (6.1 metres) in width as same are shown on said plan 58556 and F.B. 33289 in said records.

Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Quebec, in the Parish of Saint Ignace-du-Coteau-du-Lac, all that parcel of land designated Lot 130/N.S. on plan 59472 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is deposited in the Registry Office for the Registration Division of Soulanges at Coteau Landing as 64574; said parcel containing about 11.5 acres.

Fort Chambly National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land situate at Chambly in the Province of Quebec and comprising Villa Lots 1-1, 1-2 and 1-21 as shown on a plan of Ordnance Lands situate at Chambly, P.Q., accepted and approved to be retained of record in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa and signed by David Mills, Minister of the Interior, on January 10, 1878.

Fort Lennox National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land comprising a number of islands in the Richelieu River, situate, lying and being near St. Paul, in the Province of Quebec, and comprising all the lands included in the Imperial Reserve transferred to the control of Canada and known as the Military Reserve Île-aux-Noix, containing an area of two hundred and ten (210) acres, more or less.

Fort Témiscamingue National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In Québec;

in the Official Cadastre of the Township of Duhamel;

in the Registration Division of Témiscamingue;

in the Municipality of Duhamel-West;

all that parcel of land comprising lots 7a, 7b, and parts of lots 7c and 8, range 11, according to a plan prepared by Paul-André Tremblay, Q.L.S., a copy of which has been annexed to the Deed of Sale which has been registered in the Registry Office at Témiscamingue under number 73710, and a copy of said plan recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa under number 55862; said parcel containing 26.7 hectares (66.11 acres) more or less.

The Fur Trade at Lachine National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the province of Quebec;

in the city of Lachine;

a part of the original lot 807 according to the Official Plan and Book of Reference for the City of Lachine, in the Registration Division of Montreal, as said part is described in the correction to the Deed of Sale, said Deed being registered in the said Registration Division under number 2786072, said correction to said Deed being registered in said Division under number 2984752;

as said part is shown on a plan prepared by Alfred Trottier, arpenteur-géomètre, dated August 25, 1977 and recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records, in the Office of the Surveyor General and Director at Ottawa, under number 63649, said part containing 1659.21 square metres more or less.

Louis S. St. Laurent National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Quebec;

in the Village of Compton;

lots 74, 75 and 76, range V, according to the Plan and Book of Reference of the Official Cadastre for the Village of Compton, in the Registration Division of Sherbrooke and as described in a Deed of Sale registered in the said registration division under number 205493;

said lots being shown on a plan prepared by Jacques Barrette, Quebec Lands Surveyor, dated August 17, 1978 and numbered 551 and recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa under number 64937;

said lots containing together about 3905.4 square metres.

Sir George-Étienne Cartier National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Quebec;

in the city of Montreal;

those parts of Lot 41 according to the Plan and Book of Reference of the Official Cadastre for the East District, in the Registration Division of Montreal; as said parts are described in the deeds of sale registered in the said registration division under numbers 2435722 and 3587991; said parts as shown on two plans, the first prepared by Maurice Gaudreault, of Gaudreault, Rabin, Legault & Pigeon arpenteurs-géomètres, dated June 17, 1970 and numbered 9187; the second plan prepared by Yves Pigeon, of Gaudreault, Pigeon & Verschelden arpenteurs-géomètres, dated March 12, 1985 and numbered 85-9187-1; a certified copy of each plan has been recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, under numbers 56070 and F.B.33440 respectively;

said parts containing together about 479.28 square metres.

Sir Wilfrid Laurier National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Quebec; in the County Municipality of L’Assomption (Electoral District of L’Assomption); in the Town of Laurentides; all that parcel comprising lots 1061 and 1062 and part of lots 1063 and 1064 according to plan 60969 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is deposited in the Registry Office at L’Assomption under number 201425; said parcel containing 0.58 acres, more or less.

Lévis Forts National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Québec; in the County of Lévis; in the City of Lauzon; all that parcel of land as shown on plan 66456 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, containing 4.5 hectares, more or less.

New Brunswick

Boishébert National Historic Site of Canadacomprising the following described area:

All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Province of New Brunswick, in the County of Northumberland, in the Parish of Derby, known as Beaubear’s Island and extending to the bank or shore of the Miramichi River, containing 179 acres more or less and being the same lands conveyed by New Brunswick to James Fraser and William Forsythe by Grants numbered 191, 217, 230 and 444 in the years 1786, 1790, 1791 and 1806 respectively.

Carleton Martello Tower National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of New Brunswick; In the County of Saint John; In the City of Saint John;

All that parcel of land shown on a plan recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa as 67246, a copy of which is filed in the Registry Office at Saint John as 1144;


All that parcel of land shown as Parcel “A” on a plan recorded in the records as 82387, a copy of which is deposited in the office as 10194612; and containing about 814 square metres.

The remainder containing about 1.59 hectares.

Fort Beauséjour National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In New Brunswick; in the County of Westmorland; in the parish of Westmorland; at Fort Beauséjour, the whole of lots C.C.1, C.C.2, C.C.3, C.C.4, FB4, FB5, FB6, FB7, FBA8, FB9, FB11 and FB12 according to plan 59526 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Registry Office at Moncton as 9634; said lots containing together about 297.7 acres.

Nova Scotia

Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In Victoria County; at Baddeck; all that parcel of land according to plan 56780 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is registered in the Registry Office at Baddeck as number 29; said parcel containing 24.74 acres, more or less.

Fort Anne National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In Nova Scotia; in the County of Annapolis; at Annapolis Royal; all that parcel shown as Fort Anne National Historic Park according to plan 67117 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Registry Office at Bridgetown as P-838; said parcel containing 17.21 hectares, more or less.

Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada comprising the area in the Province of Nova Scotia, County of Cape Breton, in the vicinity of Louisbourg described as follows:

  • (a) those two parcels according to plan 57052 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Registry Office at Sydney as M1086P,

    less that part of the larger of the two parcels lying within lot 3 as that lot is shown on plan 56059 of the said Records, a copy of which is filed in the said Registry Office as M852,

  • (b) that island known as Battery Island according to plan 51364 of the said Records, a copy of which is filed in the said Registry Office as M425, and

  • (c) that island consisting of about one-half acre situate in a cove at the southwest end of Louisburg Harbour included in the Expropriation filed in the said Registry Office on February 5, 1964 as M420,

all of which lands contain in the aggregate about 12,474 acres.

Grand-Pré National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

All and singular, all those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the County of Kings, Province of Nova Scotia, as shown on a plan recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa under No. 68720, said plan also having been filed in the office of the Registrar of Deeds for Kings County under No. P5329;

Containing a combined area of 10.24 hectares.

Grassy Island Fort National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Nova Scotia, in the County of Guysborough, and being more particularly described as follows:


All that certain tract or parcel of land shown as Grassy Island on a plan recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa under No. 68204, a copy of which has also been filed in the Registry of Deeds Office at Guysborough under No. 640B;


All that certain tract or parcel of land shown on a plan recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa under No. 69900, a copy of which has been filed in the Registry of Deeds Office at Guysborough under No. 30;

said tracts or parcels of land containing together about 12.7 hectares.

Halifax Citadel National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In Nova Scotia, in the City of Halifax, all those parcels of land being more particularly described under Firstly and Secondly as follows:

Firstly: that parcel shown according to plan 42708 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Registry Office at Halifax as 2919;

Secondly: that parcel shown as Lot HC-1 according to plan 56393 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Registry Office at Halifax as 10293;

said parcels containing together 48.49 acres.

Port-Royal National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

  • 1 All and singular that certain lot, piece and parcel of land situate, lying and being at Lower Granville, in the County of Annapolis, and more particularly described as follows:

    COMMENCING at a point thirty-one and six-tenths (31.6) feet distant and south sixty-nine degrees (69°00′) west from the northwest corner of the Champlain Habitation Monument, and thirty-two and two-tenths (32.2) feet distant and south eighty-three degrees thirty minutes (83°30’) west from the southwest corner of said Monument, said point being on the northern boundary of the highway between Granville Ferry and Victoria Beach; THENCE north one degree thirty minutes (1°30′) west a distance of one thousand and sixty-five and seven-tenths (1065.7) feet, to a point south twenty-five (25) feet more or less from the southern boundary of P.H. Robblee’s orchard; THENCE north eighty-eight degrees thirty minutes (88°30’) east a distance of three hundred and eighty-two and nine-tenths (382.9) feet to a point south twenty (20) feet more or less from southern boundary of said orchard; THENCE south one degree thirty minutes (1°30′) east a distance of eight hundred and twenty-six and four-tenths (826.4) feet to a stake on the northern boundary of aforementioned highway; THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the northern boundary of the highway a distance of four hundred and forty-eight (448) feet more or less to the point of beginning, said Lot containing eight and twenty-five one hundredths (8.25) acres, saving and excepting such lands within the described lands and premises as may be the property of the Canadian National Railway for its right-of-way thereover, and also reserving to the said Philip H. Robblee, his heirs and assigns, a right-of-way twenty (20) feet in width along the east side of said lot next to land of Stanley Farnsworth extending from the main highway to the orchard owned by said Philip H. Robblee; as described in a Deed dated the 8th day of November, 1938, the same being registered in the Registry Office at Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, on the 22nd November, 1938, Book 197, Page 335.

  • 2 All and singular that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Lower Granville, in the County of Annapolis, bounded and described as follows:

    COMMENCING on the south side of the main highway at the eastern corner of lands now owned by The Historical Association of Annapolis Royal; THENCE proceeding easterly along the main highway to a point approximately one hundred and twenty-five feet from the place of beginning or a point four feet west of a line of pine trees now on the land of said Albert E. Parker, which said line of trees extends from the main highway to the Annapolis River; THENCE following southerly a course four feet to the westward of said trees to the Annapolis River; THENCE along said Annapolis River to the southeasterly corner of said lands of said The Historical Association of Annapolis Royal; THENCE northerly along the east boundary of the lands of the said Historical Association to the point of beginning, as described in a Deed dated the 7th day of February, 1939, the same being registered in the Registry office at Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, on the 2nd March 1939, Book 179, Page 520.

  • 3 All and singular those certain pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being at lower Granville, in the County of Annapolis, bounded and described as follows:

    COMMENCING on the north side of the main highway at the southwestern corner of lands of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada; THENCE westerly, following the course of the main highway, to lands of Vernon Clarke; THENCE northerly along lands of the said Vernon Clarke to lands of the Canadian National Railway; THENCE easterly along the southern line of lands of the said Canadian National Railway to lands of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada; THENCE along the western line of lands of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada to the place of beginning, containing five acres more or less saving and excepting a certain right-of-way over the hereinbefore described lands granted to one Ewart Gladstone Morse, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, by a certain Indenture bearing date the 1st November, 1934, between The Historical Association of Annapolis Royal of the one part, and the said Ewart Gladstone Morse, of the other part, which said Indenture is duly recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the County of Annapolis in Book 193, Page 303;

    Also all that certain other piece or parcel of land situate opposite the first-described lot of land and on the south side of the main highway, COMMENCING at a point where the west line of land of Albert E. Parker intersects the south side of the main highway; THENCE southerly along the said west line of Albert E. Parker twenty-eight feet or to the bank of the Annapolis River; THENCE westerly along the bank of said River until the bank of said River meets the said south side of the main highway; THENCE easterly along said south side of the main highway to the place of beginning; as described in a Deed dated the 8th February, 1939, the same being registered in the Registry Office at Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, on the 2nd March, 1939, in Book 197, Page 520.

  • 4 All and singular that certain lot or parcel of land and premises situate at Karsdale, in the County of Annapolis and Province of Nova Scotia, forming part of the former right-of-way land of the Halifax and South Western Railway Company and more particularly bounded, delimited and described as follows:

    BEGINNING at a point on the original centre line of the abandoned former main line of the said Railway where it is intersected by the prolongation across the railway right-of-way of the boundary line between land formerly of P. H. Robblee, now of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, and that formerly of Stanley Farnsworth, lying adjacent easterly; the said point of intersection being at or about Station 4534.04 of the chainage of the Middleton Subdivision of the Railway (Station 0+00 thereof being at the Junction Switch at Bridgewater Junction Station 4173+83.4 of the chainage of the Chester Subdivision of the said Railway);

    THENCE, from the point of beginning, so determined, westerly, along the said original Centre Line as shown by a broken white line on the accompanying plan seven hundred and seventy-eight (778) feet, more or less, to a point on the prolongation across the Railway right-of-way of the boundary line between land formerly of Mrs. John Robblee, now of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, and that of Vernon Clarke, lying adjacent westerly; embracing throughout a width of forty-nine and five-tenths (49.5) feet on the right or northerly side of the said original Centre Line, and on the left or southerly side thereof a width of one hundred and forty-nine and five-tenths (149.5) feet, measured at right angles thereto;

    Containing, the said parcel of land so described, an area of three and fifty-five hundredths (3.55) acres more or less, as described in a Deed dated the 3rd February, 1939, the same being registered in the Registry Office at Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, on the 17th May, 1939, in Book 197, Page 588.

  • 5 All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land known as Champlain’s Garden, situate between Port Wade-Annapolis Highway and the Annapolis River, in the vicinity of Lower Granville, in the County of Annapolis, in the Province of Nova Scotia, as shown upon a plan of survey signed by E. R. Wade, Provincial Land Surveyor, and dated 19th November, 1948, and of record in the National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Ottawa; said parcel containing an area of three acres and five-tenths of an acre, more or less, being the same lands and premises as were conveyed by the Historical Association of Annapolis Royal to Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada by deed recorded in the Registry of Deeds at Bridgetown, N.S., in Book 210, page 496.

Prince of Wales Tower National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In Nova Scotia; at Halifax; in Point Pleasant Park, all that parcel enclosed within the circumference of a circle having a radius of 80 feet with the centre of the circle being the centre of the structure known as the Prince of Wales Martello Tower, said centre being 77°45′, 429.8 feet, more or less, from the monument shown marking the southwesterly corner of the National Historic Site on plan 53423 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa and premising that the northwesterly boundary of said site has a bearing of 37°52′; Said parcel containing 0.46 acres more or less.

York Redoubt National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Nova Scotia;

in Halifax County;

all those parcels of land designated Parcel A and Parcel B on plan 69876 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa;

a copy of which has been filed in the Land Registry Office at Halifax as 21964;

said parcels containing together about 72.49 hectares.

Prince Edward Island

Ardgowan National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Prince Edward Island, in Queens County, in the Village of Parkdale, all that parcel of land shown as plan number 662 on plan 55707 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records of the Legal Surveys Division, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources at Ottawa, a copy of which has been filed in the office of the Registrar of Deeds for the Queens County at Charlottetown; said parcel containing 1.55 hectares, more or less.

Skmaqn–Port-la-Joye–Fort Amherst National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Prince Edward Island, in the county of Queens, in lot 65;

All that parcel of land shown bordered in heavy line according to plan 68583 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Registry Office at Charlottetown under number 5012;

Said parcel being subject to right-of-way 4.57 metres wide and to a powerline right-of-way as shown on said plan in said records;

Said parcel containing about 91.26 hectares.

Newfoundland and Labrador

L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Newfoundland, in the District of Strait of Belle Isle, near the Settlement of L’Anse aux Meadows,

All that parcel of land shown as L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Park on a plan confirmed by the Surveyor General of Canada Lands on November 23, 1982, said plan is recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, Ontario, under number 68438, a copy of which has been filed in the Registry of Deeds Office at St. John’s, Newfoundland, under number S.P. 117;


firstly: all that portion of land being more particularly described as the portion of the peninsula at Beak Point lying northwesterly of a line parallel to and perpendicularly distant 750 feet northwesterly from the seaward boundary of said park in Medee Bay, said seaward boundary having a bearing of South 47°59′00″West as shown on aforesaid plan;

secondly: all that parcel of land shown as parcel 5 on a plan of survey signed by J.C. Gorman, N.L.S., and dated June 30, 1988, said plan is recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, Ontario, under number 71712, a copy of which has been filed in the Registry of Deeds Office at St. John’s, Newfoundland, under number 2042;

The remainder containing about 7,993.6 hectares (19,750 acres).

Cape Spear National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the District of St. John’s South, the whole of a parcel at Cape Spear according to plan 57890 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is registered in the Registry Office at St. John’s as 33733; less that portion of said parcel being more particularly described as follows:

COMMENCING at an iron post numbered 7, as said post and all other posts hereinafter referred to being according to said plan; THENCE S. 28°51′34″W., 725.31 feet, more or less, to an iron post numbered 16; THENCE N.60°10′27″W., 416.34 feet, more or less, to an iron post numbered 2; THENCE N.07°00′08″E., 140.18 feet, more or less, to an iron post; THENCE N.25°56′01″E., 142.84 feet, more or less, to an iron post; THENCE N. 46°03′32″E., 383.37 feet, more or less, to an iron post numbered 5; THENCE S.73°28′57″E., to the point of commencement; the remainder containing about 131 acres.

Castle Hill National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area;

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Placentia in the Province of Newfoundland commonly known and referred to as Castle Hill and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the northerly limit of the road (sixty-six feet wide) extending from the road leading from Jersey Side to the Argentia Highway to the fort at Castle Hill, the said point being the southwest angle of land occupied by J. O’Keefe; THENCE running in an easterly direction along the aforesaid northerly limit of the road two hundred and forty-eight feet; THENCE turning and running south ninety feet to a point on the southern side of the said road; THENCE running south sixty-seven degrees forty-two minutes east one hundred and four feet and seven-tenths of a foot more or less; THENCE running south eight hundred and five feet to a point on the shore of Placentia Bay at high-water mark; THENCE running along the said shore at high-water mark in a general westerly direction three thousand five hundred feet; THENCE turning and running south seventy-one degrees thirty minutes east seven hundred and seventy feet and THENCE north eighty-two degrees fifty minutes east four hundred and eighty feet and four-tenths of a foot; and THENCE north seventy-eight degrees nine minutes east nine hundred and sixty-seven feet more or less to the aforesaid land occupied by J. O’Keefe; THENCE running by the said land south nineteen degrees thirty minutes east three hundred and ninety-eight feet more or less to the point of beginning; all bearings being magnetic.

Port au Choix National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

In the Province of Newfoundland, in the community of Port au Choix;

All those parcels of land designated as Parcels 1, 2 and 3 according to a plan recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa under the number 68584; a copy has also been filed at the Registry of Deeds, St. John’s, as Master Plan number 1899; containing in total an area of 833.24 hectares, more or less.

Signal Hill National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described area:

All that parcel of land described as follows, that is to say:

BEGINNING at a granite monument inscribed W.D.10A, the said granite monument being about nine hundred feet north of the road extending from the Signal Hill to Cuckold’s Cove; THENCE running south eighty-seven degrees east five hundred and fifty feet; THENCE running north eighty degrees thirty-one minutes east eight hundred and thirty feet and one-tenth of a foot; THENCE running north sixty-two degrees fifty minutes east nine hundred and twenty-two feet and four-tenths of a foot to an iron marker set in the ground at the intersection of the easterly side of the aforesaid road with the westerly side of a branch road leading to the shore at Quidi Vidi Harbour; THENCE running south thirty-eight degrees thirty-one minutes east one hundred and seventy-one feet and nine-tenths of a foot; THENCE running south forty-two degrees forty-seven minutes east one hundred and three feet and nine-tenths of a foot; THENCE running north eighty-two degrees thirty minutes east one hundred and twenty-three feet and four-tenths of a foot; THENCE running south ten degrees forty-three minutes west two hundred and fifty feet more or less to the shore of Cuckold’s Cove at ordinary high-water mark; THENCE running in a general southerly direction along the sinuosities of the shoreline at ordinary high-water mark of Cuckold’s Cove, Soldiers Gulch to North Head; THENCE continuing along the shoreline at ordinary high-water mark in a general westerly direction to a point in the shore of Hay Cove, the said point being four hundred and seventy-eight feet measured on a bearing of south sixty-seven degrees forty-five minutes east from an iron marker set in rock near the southwesterly corner of Queen’s Battery; THENCE running north sixty-seven degrees forty-five minutes west four hundred and seventy-eight feet to the said iron marker near the southwesterly corner of the Queen’s Battery; THENCE running north fifty-two degrees fifty-six minutes west eight hundred and sixty-three feet and three-tenths of a foot; THENCE running north sixty-three degrees forty-six minutes west three hundred and thirty-two feet; THENCE running north thirty-eight degrees twenty minutes west two hundred and seventy-three feet to an iron marker set in the ground; THENCE running north fifty-four degrees sixteen minutes east one hundred and thirty-six feet and nine-tenths of a foot; THENCE running north thirty-seven degrees forty-nine minutes east two hundred and eighty-two feet and seven-tenths of a foot; THENCE running north forty degrees fifty-one minutes east two hundred and sixty-three feet to a point on Signal Hill Road; THENCE running north thirty degrees six minutes east sixty-six feet and two-tenths of a foot; THENCE running north fifteen degrees east one thousand and sixty-five feet; THENCE running north thirty-nine degrees three minutes west two hundred and ninety-six feet; THENCE running north fifty-eight degrees twenty-nine minutes east three hundred and fifty-eight feet and seven-tenths of a foot to a granite monument inscribed W.D. 10; THENCE running north forty-one degrees fifteen minutes east six hundred and one feet more or less to the point of beginning and containing an area of two hundred and sixty acres more or less, all bearings being referred to the true meridian.

EXCEPTING THEREFROM the whole of parcels A and B, in Signal Hill National Park, in the Electoral District of St. John’s East, in the province of Newfoundland, said parcels containing together by admeasurement sixteen acres and sixty-three hundredths of an acre, more or less, as said parcels are shown bordered red on a plan of record number forty-three thousand two hundred and four in the Legal Surveys and Aeronautical Charts Division of the Department of Mines and Technical Surveys at Ottawa, a copy of which has been registered in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds at St. John’s under Vol. three hundred and eighty-eight, Folio seventy-three.

Northwest Territories

Pingo Canadian Landmark comprising the following described area:

In the Northwest Territories; in the Mackenzie Delta; all that parcel of land including lands covered by water shown as Pingo Canadian Landmark Site on a plan recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records in Ottawa as plan 71851, a copy of which is filed in the Land Titles Office at Yellowknife as 2002; the parcel containing about 1 598 hectares;

Excepting thereout and therefrom all mines and minerals, whether solid, liquid or gaseous, that may be found within the above described parcel.

Saoyú-ʔehdacho National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described areas:


All that parcel of land commencing at boundary monument 75L1000 on Lot 1000, Quad 96 G/15 at approximate latitude 66°05′45″N and approximate longitude 122°46′06″W;

THENCE northerly and northwesterly along that lot boundary to the ordinary high-water mark of Mackintosh Bay of Great Bear Lake at approximate latitude 66°08′17″N and approximate longitude 123°00′12″W;

THENCE generally northerly, easterly, southerly and westerly along the ordinary high-water mark of Mackintosh Bay, Smith Arm, Douglas Bay and Deerpass Bay of Great Bear Lake to a point of intersection with the boundary of Lot 1000, Quad 96 G/15 at approximate latitude 65°59′45″N and approximate longitude 122°27′47″W;

THENCE generally northerly and westerly along that lot boundary to boundary monument 72L1000;

THENCE continuing along that lot boundary through boundary monuments 73L1000 and 74L1000 to the point of commencement;

That parcel containing approximately 1 975 square kilometers (763 square miles).

All coordinates referred to being according to the 1983 North American Datum, Canadian Spatial Reference System (NAD83 CSRS) and any references to straight lines mean points joined directly on the NAD83 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection plane surface.

All topographic features referred to being according to Edition 4 of the Cape MacDonnel National Topographic System (NTS) map sheet number 96 I, produced at a scale of 1:250 000; Edition 3 of the Kilekale Lake NTS map sheet number 96 J, produced at a scale of 1:250 000; Edition 2 of the Fort Franklin NTS map sheet number 96 G, produced at a scale of 1:250 000; Edition 3 of the Grizzly Bear Mountain NTS map sheet number 96 H, produced at a scale of 1:250 000.

All boundary monuments and the boundary of Lot 1000, Quad 96 G/15 referred to being according to Plan 90772 Canada Lands Survey Records (CLSR)/4033 Northwest Territories Land Titles Office (LTO).


All that parcel of land commencing at boundary monument 7L1000 on the north boundary of Lot 1000, Quad 96 A/12 at approximate latitude 65°00′00″N and approximate longitude 121°29′21″W;

THENCE westerly along that lot boundary to its point of intersection with the ordinary high-water mark of Keith Arm of Great Bear Lake at approximate latitude 65°00′24″N and approximate longitude 121°48′12″W;

THENCE northerly, northeasterly, easterly, southwesterly and southerly along the ordinary high-water mark of Keith Arm and McVicar Arm of Great Bear Lake to its intersection with the north boundary of Lot 1000, Quad 96 A/12 at approximate latitude 65°01′19″N and approximate longitude 120°58′54″W;

THENCE continuing along the north boundary of that lot to the point of commencement;

Excepting the surface of lots 1000 and 1001, Quad 96 H/4, Plan 81116 CLSR/3177 LTO and lots 1001 and 1002, Quad 96 H/3, Plan 81120 CLSR/3138 LTO.

That parcel containing approximately 2 475 square kilometers (956 square miles).

All coordinates referred to being according to the 1983 North American Datum, Canadian Spatial Reference System (NAD83 CSRS) and any references to straight lines mean points joined directly on the NAD83 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection plane surface.

All topographic features referred to being according to Edition 3 of the Grizzly Bear Mountain National Topographic System (NTS) map sheet number 96 H, produced at a scale of 1:250 000.

All boundary monuments and the boundary of Lot 1000, Quad 96 A/12 referred to being according to Plan 81115 Canada Lands Survey Records (CLSR)/3190 Northwest Territories Land Titles Office (LTO).

Arctic Ocean

Wrecks of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror National Historic Site of Canada comprising the following described areas:


In the Arctic Ocean; in Wilmot and Crampton Bay; the area, consisting of the seabed and water column above the seabed, that is described as follows:

COMMENCING at a point at latitude 68°14′44.8″ N and longitude 98°52′22.3″ W;

THENCE northeasterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 68°17′44.2″ N and longitude 98°40′17.9″ W;

THENCE southeasterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 68°13′15.4″ N and longitude 98°32′16.2″ W;

THENCE southwesterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 68°10′16.5″ N and longitude 98°44′19.3″ W;

THENCE northwesterly in a straight line back to the point of commencement;

EXCEPTING all islands and foreshore lying above the ordinary low-water mark within the described area and all mines and minerals, whether solid, liquid or gaseous, that may be found within the described area.

That area containing approximately 83.6 km2.


In the Arctic Ocean; in Terror Bay; the area, consisting of the seabed and water column above the seabed, that is described as follows:

COMMENCING at a point at latitude 68°54′25.45″ N and longitude 98°59′42.07″ W;

THENCE easterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 68°54′25.24″ N and longitude 98°51′29.08″ W;

THENCE southerly in a straight line to a point at latitude 68°48′46.23″ N and longitude 98°51′31.25″ W;

THENCE westerly in a straight line to a point at latitude 68°48′46.44″ N and longitude 98°59′42.15″ W;

THENCE northerly in a straight line back to the point of commencement;

EXCEPTING all islands and foreshore lying above the ordinary low-water mark within the described area and all mines and minerals, whether solid, liquid or gaseous, that may be found within the described area.

That area containing approximately 57.8 km2.

All coordinates referred to are according to the 1983 North American Datum, Canadian Spatial Reference System (NAD83 CSRS), and any references to straight lines mean points joined directly on the NAD83 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection plan surface.

  • SOR/78-238, s. 1
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  • SOR/88-625, ss. 1, 2
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  • SOR/93-137, s. 1
  • SOR/94-363, s. 3(F)
  • SOR/95-292, s. 1
  • SOR/97-106, s. 1
  • SOR/97-193, s. 1
  • SOR/99-305, s. 1
  • SOR/2000-382, s. 1(F)
  • SOR/2004-218, ss. 3 to 13 and 14(F)
  • SOR/2011-319, s. 1
  • SOR/2015-88, s. 1
  • SOR/2017-273, s. 1
  • SOR/2018-250, s. 1

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