Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act

Version of section 66.31 from 2009-09-18 to 2024-09-16:

Marginal note:Deemed annulment — default of payment

  •  (1) Unless the court has previously ordered otherwise or unless an amendment to the consumer proposal has previously been filed, a consumer proposal is deemed to be annulled on

    • (a) in the case when payments under the consumer proposal are to be made monthly or more frequently, the day on which the consumer debtor is in default for an amount that is equal to or more than the amount of three payments; or

    • (b) in the case when payments under the consumer proposal are to be made less frequently than monthly, the day that is three months after the day on which the consumer debtor is in default in respect of any payment.

  • Marginal note:Deemed annulment — amendment withdrawn or refused

    (2) If an amendment to a consumer proposal filed before the deemed annulment of the consumer proposal under subsection (1) is withdrawn or refused by the creditors or the court, the consumer proposal is deemed to be annulled at the time that the amendment is withdrawn or refused.

  • Marginal note:Duties of administrator in relation to deemed annulment

    (3) Without delay after a consumer proposal is deemed to be annulled, the administrator shall

    • (a) file with the official receiver a report in the prescribed form in relation to the deemed annulment; and

    • (b) send a notice to the creditors informing them of the deemed annulment.

  • Marginal note:Effects of deemed annulment — consumer proposal made by a bankrupt

    (4) If a consumer proposal made by a bankrupt is deemed to be annulled,

    • (a) the consumer debtor is deemed to have made an assignment on the day on which the consumer proposal is deemed to be annulled;

    • (b) the trustee who is the administrator of the consumer proposal shall, within five days after the day on which the consumer proposal is deemed to be annulled, send notice of the meeting of creditors under section 102, at which meeting the creditors may by ordinary resolution, despite section 14, affirm the appointment of the trustee or appoint another trustee in lieu of that trustee; and

    • (c) the trustee shall, without delay, file with the official receiver, in the prescribed form, a report of the deemed annulment and the official receiver shall, without delay, issue a certificate of assignment, in the prescribed form, which has the same effect for the purposes of this Act as an assignment filed under section 49.

  • Marginal note:Validity of things done before deemed annulment

    (5) A deemed annulment of a consumer proposal does not prejudice the validity of any sale or disposition of property or payment duly made, or anything duly done under or in pursuance of the consumer proposal and, despite the deemed annulment, a guarantee given under the consumer proposal remains in full force and effect in accordance with its terms.

  • Marginal note:Notice of possibility of consumer proposal being automatically revived

    (6) In the case of a deemed annulment of a consumer proposal made by a person other than a bankrupt, if the administrator considers it appropriate to do so in the circumstances, he or she may, with notice to the official receiver, send to the creditors — within 30 days, or any other number of days that is prescribed, after the day on which the consumer proposal was deemed to be annulled — a notice in the prescribed form informing them that the consumer proposal will be automatically revived 60 days, or any other number of days that is prescribed, after the day on which it was deemed to be annulled unless one of them files with the administrator, in the prescribed manner, a notice of objection to the revival.

  • Marginal note:Automatic revival

    (7) If the notice is sent by the administrator and no notice of objection is filed during the period referred to in subsection (6), the consumer proposal is automatically revived on the expiry of that period.

  • Marginal note:Notice if no automatic revival

    (8) If a notice of objection is filed during the period referred to in subsection (6), the administrator is to send, without delay, to the official receiver and to each creditor a notice in the prescribed form informing them that the consumer proposal is not going to be automatically revived on the expiry of that period.

  • Marginal note:Administrator may apply to court to revive consumer proposal

    (9) The administrator may at any time apply to the court, with notice to the official receiver and the creditors, for an order reviving any consumer proposal of a consumer debtor who is not a bankrupt that was deemed to be annulled, and the court, if it considers it appropriate to do so in the circumstances, may make an order reviving the consumer proposal, on any terms that the court considers appropriate.

  • Marginal note:Duty of administrator if consumer proposal is revived

    (10) Without delay after a consumer proposal is revived, the administrator shall

    • (a) file with the official receiver a report in the prescribed form in relation to the revival; and

    • (b) send a notice to the creditors informing them of the revival.

  • Marginal note:Validity of things done before revival

    (11) The revival of a consumer proposal does not prejudice the validity of anything duly done — between the day on which the consumer proposal is deemed to be annulled and the day on which it is revived — by a creditor in the exercise of any rights revived by subsection 66.32(2).

  • 1992, c. 27, s. 32
  • 2005, c. 47, s. 52
  • 2007, c. 36, s. 30

Date modified: