Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Bank Act

Version of section 226 from 2014-12-16 to 2025-01-22:

Marginal note:Approval

  •  (1) The directors of each applicant must submit an amalgamation agreement for approval to a meeting of the shareholders of the applicant — or, if the applicant is a federal credit union or a local cooperative credit society, to a meeting of its members and to a meeting of its shareholders, if any.

  • Marginal note:Right to vote

    (2) Each share of an applicant carries the right to vote in respect of an amalgamation agreement whether or not it otherwise carries the right to vote.

  • Marginal note:Separate vote for class or series

    (3) The holders of shares of a class or series of shares of each applicant are entitled to vote separately as a class or series in respect of an amalgamation agreement if the agreement contains a provision that, if it were contained in a proposed amendment to the by-laws or incorporating instrument of the applicant, would entitle those holders to vote separately as a class or series.

  • Marginal note:Special resolution

    (4) Subject to subsection (3), an amalgamation agreement is approved when the shareholders of each applicant bank or body corporate have approved the amalgamation by special resolution or, if an applicant is a federal credit union or a local cooperative credit society, the members and shareholders, if any, have approved the amalgamation by separate special resolutions.

  • Marginal note:Termination

    (5) An amalgamation agreement may provide that, at any time before the issue of letters patent of amalgamation, the agreement may be terminated by the directors of an applicant even if the agreement has been approved by the shareholders — or the members and shareholders, if any — of all or any of the applicant banks or bodies corporate.

  • 1991, c. 46, s. 226
  • 2005, c. 54, s. 48
  • 2010, c. 12, s. 2000
  • 2014, c. 39, s. 275

Date modified: